Now sit back and get ready to see photos you won’t forget for a long time. You haven’t seen them before. Motorhead is gender neutral. Gearhead is gender neutral. Car enthusiast is gender neutral.
This photo is from a fair, and guess what? The poses of two beautiful women at this fair attracted more attention than the cars at the fair. 😀 Moreover, a pose on the rear bumper of a car was so striking that two other car owners offered the same models to shoot their cars. And it’s really great.
The model in this photo announced on her social media account.
“It was my first time shooting in a bikini outside the studio and I was nervous with all eyes on me. There was a cafe and a restaurant where we were, all eyes were on me. Honestly, I had a very hard time
This photo is perfect my friend
I want one of both in my garage 😀 The color of the car and the color of the bikini are the same?
These cars, which we rarely see on the roads, need to be photographed more with more models
he difference between the make and model of a vehicle is that make refers to the brand of the vehicle, while model refers to the specific vehicle model.
I let the woman in this photo be the model for this car. Let her name it. Definition of car beauty. Car beauty is the maintenance condition for different materials in various parts of the car, using different car beauty care products and construction techniques, car care and maintenance.
For me, the beauty of a car is the woman sitting on the side seat or the woman posing on the hood.
and glamorous. You should definitely see more.