A poetic car and a gorgeous model. These photos have a story. We know that this model is a Mustang lover. Since this Mustang car was a rental car, the shooting was postponed quite a lot and they insistently waited for this car. Actually, the shooting was going to take place with a double model. When the rental date of the car constantly changed, the organization could not be made for the double mannequin.
The car was received around 10:30 in the morning, the car was shot until around 12:40 in the morning and during this shooting, the owner was waiting for the car to be delivered. 😀
Here is the love of Mustang. 😀 Now you will say why this mustang persistently, if you paid attention to our previous articles, this model shot with three cars.
The red Mustang, the teal Mustang and this white Mustang.
I don’t know the reason for this obsession, but the world knows that this woman loves Mustangs and American classic cars and she says that this love comes from childhood.
She announced that her next shoot will be on New Year’s Eve in a red Mustang with a red dress and that she will post it on her Instagram page.
I talked too much. I leave you alone with the photos
Perfect poses.
İncredible photo
the beauty of the car or the beauty of the model?